Touching Enlightenment

Tricycle, Spring 2006

After years of meditation, you may feel you’re making very little progress. But the guide you may need has been with you all along: your body. Drawing on Tibetan Yogic practices, Reggie Ray takes on the modern crisis of disembodiment.

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In a word, Dharma

Lion’s Roar, December 26, 2017

What is Dharma? According to Reginald A. Ray, dharma is a fascinating term because it integrates several levels of experience, from our first moment on the path to the achievement of full realization.

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Embodiment and Earth Energy

Alart, host of Dynamic Health, interviews Reggie on Vancouver’s CFRO 102.7 FM.

  1. Embodiment and Earth Energy Reggie Ray 55:21
  2. Embodying Enlightenment Reggie Ray 37:14
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