Introduction to Tantra

  1. The Student-Teacher Relationship Reginald A. Ray 14:05
  2. The Tantric Journey is Down Reginald A Ray 11:15
  3. Desire is the Gateway Reginald A Ray 16:30
  4. Renouncing the Project of Me Reginald A Ray 14:12
  5. Positivity, Wanting, Initiation, Trust, Darkness Practice Reginald A Ray 34:08
  6. Meditation Connects Us to Reality Reginald A Ray 16:59
  7. GM 10 Points Practice Reginald A Ray 41:46
  8. Unmediated Relationship with Reality Reginald A Ray 19:58
  9. GM 12-Fold Belly Breathing Reginald A Ray 20:53
  10. GM Three Dimensions of the Body Reginald A Ray 21:16
  11. D Effort, Ego, Tension, Pain Reginald A Ray 16:21
  12. D Paranoia, Thoughts, Intention, Fear, Sensitivity Reginald A Ray 18:57
  13. GM Infinite Depths Reginald A Ray 28:39
  14. Acceptance by the Earth Reginald A Ray 14:33
  15. Giving Birth to Creativity in Daily Life Reginald A Ray 18:18
  16. D Ego, Outbreath, Images, Questions, Ego-Clinging Reginald A Ray 17:48
  17. GM Calling to the Unseen World with the Drum R 16:57
  18. GM Exploring Sensitivity to the Breath Reginald A Ray 23:02
  19. GM Discovering Dimensions of the Breath Reginald A Ray 19:45
  20. The World is Our Salvation Reginald A Ray 11:08
  21. D Lineage, Unseen World, Children, Disembodiment Reginald A Ray 20:04
  22. Bodywork and Sitting in Daily Practice Reginald A Ray 20:18
  23. GM Resting in the Depths of the Earth Reginald A Ray 39:40
  24. Inner Pilgrimage of the Body Reginald A Ray 12:10
  25. D Sitting, Sharing, Stability, Embodiment, Tibetans Reginald A Ray 22:38
  26. D Sensations, Visualization, Fear, Soaz, Depth, Chakras R 19:21
  27. GM Leaping Into the Threat Reginald A Ray 22:58
  28. GM Opening to Space Through the Gateways Reginald A Ray 44:53

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