Dathüns are rigorous meditation retreats designed for modern spiritual seekers by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Trungpa incorporated Japanese Zen and Tibetan Vajrayana practices—including sitting and walking meditation and oryoki-style meals—to create a powerful container in which retreatants’ journeys could both deepen and accelerate. Reggie Ray’s dathün teachings have enabled thousands of people to enter into and embody their deeper selves through guided meditations, dharma talks, and discussions.
At this dathün – held December 11, 2011 through January 8, 2012 at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, Colorado – Dr. Ray began unfolding a new cycle of teachings called awakening the heart. These practices invite us to discover the inherent warmth of limitless space. By bringing together the profound tradition of mahamudra with somatic bodhicitta practices, Dr. Ray demonstrates how our human life is a unique expression of the compassion of the universe. We are shown how resting in the natural state through mahamudra meditation is not at all a way of escaping the suffering of this world. Rather, quite the opposite is the case: we discover that mahamudra is an embodied journey towards becoming ever more open and intimate with each moment of our everyday lives as they are right now – in this particular way, at this particular moment.
Highlights Include:
- Awakening the Heart
- Embodied Mahamudra
- The Seven Limbed Bodhicitta Training
- Knowledge of the Heart
- Teacher-Student Relationship
- Four Immeasurables Practice
- The Meaning of Refuge
- The Bodhisattva Commitment
Dr. Reggie Ray