Vajra Sangha Weekend 2009 – November

Vajra Sangha Weekend 2009 – November

This is the final Vajrasangha Weekend before Reggie’s sabbatical in 2010. He teaches on the importance of respecting relative reality as our consort on the vajrayana path and says that this will allow our practice to remain fresh, compelling, and in accord with the immediate circumstances of our lives. In this program, he introduces: the kulika families, a ten sips offering practice (for feasts), infinite heaven skull breathing, and shambhala bodywork–all for the first time. Finally, Reggie asks the sangha to make study a priority when he is away in 2010 and offers a final word of vajra encouragement: “have confidence in yourselves!”


Dr. Reggie Ray


Reggie and Caroline’s home, Boulder, CO

Table of Contents

View PDF >> 'Vajra-Sangha-Weekend-2009-November-Table-of-Contents.pdf'



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