Episode 274: For the Welfare of All – Part II

In the second part of this talk on the training of a Bodhisattva, For the Welfare of All, Reggie discusses the last five of the six paramitas: discipline, patience, exertion, meditation, and wisdom. Through examples, he shows how the truth of each paramita is not necessarily what we might think.

This talk was given at the 2003 Winter Dathün retreat held in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

Episode 273: For the Welfare of All – Part I

In this talk on the training of a Bodhisattva, For the Welfare of All, Reggie discusses the last five of the six paramitas: discipline, patience, exertion, meditation, and wisdom. Through examples, he shows how the truth of each paramita is not necessarily what we might think.

This talk was given at the 2003 Winter Dathün retreat held in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

Episode 272: Clear Circle of Brightness

In this episode, Caroline discusses the somatic unfolding of the awakening heart. She says that the journey involves three concentric circles: an outer circle of enchantment, an inner circle that is like a ring of fire, and a third circle of complete freedom—the clear circle of brightness.

This talk was given in 2016 at a course Caroline taught in Boulder, CO called In Love with Life.

Episode 271: Loss of Reference Points

In this talk, Loss of Reference Points, Reggie speaks to the groundlessness that we experience when situations don’t fit into the known world of ego. In such moments, strong feelings of anxiety, fear, and ambiguity might arise. Instead trying to secure territory, he encourages us to turn toward the feelings and open to the uncertainty.

This talk was given in 2006 at the June Meditating with the Body retreat held in Crestone, CO.

Episode 270: Being with the Journey

In this talk, Being with the Journey, Reggie describes the moment when we check-out during experiences that are painful, unsettling, or disconcerting. He says such moments of intensity offer an opportunity to step through our fear and resistance, open to our feelings, and rest with the sacredness of the situation.

This talk was given at the 2011 Winter Dathun retreat held at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, CO.

Episode 269: Practice Dismantles

In Practice Dismantles, Reggie points to the process that unfolds on the journey of somatic meditation: personal stories fall apart and we come to trust the intimacy, humor, openness, and love that emerges when our solid sense of self is dismantled.

This talk was given in 2009 at the September Meditating with the Body retreat held at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, CO.

Episode 268: Basic Space

In this talk, Basic Space, Caroline discusses the true nature of reality—the Dharmakaya—that we experience when we rest in the space of the lower belly in the practice of yin breathing. She says that this space is open, free, and not constrained by conditioned “parts.”

This talk was given at the 2016 The Body Loves retreat held at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, CO.

Episode 267: Life Force – Part II

In the second part of this talk, Life Force, Reggie asks: where does the Life Force come from? He says that the empty nothingness of space gives birth to the primordial isness and rabid passion we feel when we rest with the raw energy that emerges from the emptiness of being.

This talk was given at the 2009 Winter Dathün retreat held at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, CO.

Episode 266: Life Force – Part I

Here, Reggie speaks to the utter power of the Life Force that courses through our body as pure unadulterated love. This force, he says, speaks the message of this lineage: to trust our uncompromising, wild, reckless, implacable lust for being alive.

This talk was given at the 2009 Winter Dathün retreat held at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, CO.

Episode 265: Journey of Individuation

In today’s episode, Reggie discusses the meditative journey of individuation. He acknowledges societal obstacles, such as institutional bureaucracies, that can undermine inspiration and waylay personal development. True freedom requires taking responsibility for our life and completely trusting the inner voice of our body.

This talk was given in 2009 at the September Meditating with the Body retreat held at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, CO.

Episode 264: Loving Presence

In today’s episode, Caroline asks a shrine hall of retreatants: what are we doing here? The answer: letting be. In this process, we discover the felt sense, or non-conceptual awareness of the body, which has distinct qualities: loving presence, attentiveness, attunement, responsiveness, and reliability.

This talk was given at the 2014 Winter Dathün retreat held at Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, Colorado.

Episode 263: Sacred Mysteries

In this teaching, Sacred Mysteries, Reggie discusses the experience of pain as understood in the Vajrayana tradition of meditation. When we let go of judging and rejecting, moments of pain are experienced as sacred ornaments of tenderness that connect us to Life in all of its depth, power, and beauty.

This talk was given at the 2011 Advanced Meditating with the Body retreat held at The Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, CO.

Episode 262: Awakening Heart

In this talk, Awakening Heart, Caroline teaches on bodhicitta, the wakeful intelligence of the body that is concentrated in the heart. She says that the essence of bodhicitta is space, the manifestation is love, and the activity is connection.

This talk was given at the 2016 The Body Loves retreat held at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, CO.

Episode 261: Stripped Down to Nothing

In Stripped Down to Nothing, Reggie points to the often hidden and unrecognized dimensions in the life journey of the Buddha. He says that Thich Nhat Hahn’s book Old Path White Clouds shows how the Buddha’s renunciation of conventional norms was quite radical and threatening to the cultural establishment of his day.

This talk was offered at a Dhyanasangha Weekend and shared with the Public Broadcasting Service in support of the film The Buddha.

Episode 260: Under the Rose Apple Tree

In today’s episode, Under the Rose Apple Tree, we listen to a talk Caroline offered on the experience of the natural state in childhood. She offers a Vajrayana account of the story of the Buddha who, at age 9, recognized rigpa while sitting under a rose apple tree.

This talk was given in 2016 at the November Meditating with the Body retreat held at Buckfast Abbey in Devon, England.

Episode 259: Pain is Not a Problem

In Pain is Not a Problem, Reggie teaches on experiences of pain that we encounter on the path of meditation. He says that people often judge pain as a bad thing, but the foundation of Buddhist practice is the First Noble Truth: the more we try to avoid pain, the more we suffer.

This talk was given at the 2002 Winter Dathün retreat held in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

Episode 258: Surrendering Ego – Part II

In this episode, Surrendering Ego: Going deeper into the theme of refuge, Reggie teaches on the difference between the inner and outer view of taking refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. Inner refuge means that we are committing to our non-existence, the nature of reality, and relationships of integrity.

This talk was given at the 2002 Winter Dathün retreat held in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

Episode 257: Surrendering Ego – Part I

In this talk on refuge, Surrendering Ego, Reggie discusses the history of refuge in the Buddhist tradition and describes the different styles of “emergency ego” that arise when we find ourselves challenged by reality. He says that surrendering ego is the basis for the practice of refuge.

This talk was given at the 2002 Winter Dathün retreat held in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.


Episode 256: Path of Dharma – Part II

In the second part of this talk on the path of dharma, Reggie discusses the developmental journey that unfolds as we deepen in our meditation practice. When meditation becomes the ground of life, transformation becomes a way of being.

This talk was given at the 2004 Winter Dathün retreat held in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

Episode 255: Path of Dharma – Part I

In this teaching on the path of Dharma, Reggie encourages us to trust inspiration, stay with discomfort, and leap to the unknown. Each stage of the path—Hinayana, Mahayana, and Vajrayana—involves ever deeper levels of these themes.

This talk was given at the 2004 Winter Dathün retreat held in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

Episode 254: Lineage of Dismantling – Part II

In the second part of this talk on the esoteric tradition of meditation, Lineage of Dismantling, Reggie suggests that mahamudra practices of direct experience serve as a compelling gate for modern people who long to connect with reality. By dismantling concepts, we meet Life—stripped down, unmediated, free.

This talk was given at the 2013 Mahamudra for the Modern World retreat held at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, CO.

Episode 253: Lineage of Dismantling – Part I

This talk begins with an account of the ancient forest tradition of meditation that began with the Buddha. Reggie discusses the values represented by these meditators and says that our lineage is in alignment with other sanghas that practice with nakedness and humility.

This talk was given at the 2013 Mahamudra for the Modern World retreat held at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, CO.

Episode 252: The Impediments of Religion – Part II

In the second part of this talk on genuineness in spirituality, Reggie says that relaxation in somatic meditation allows us to see how the forces of oppression, control, and busyness in the world are also within us. When tension in the body dissolves, we discover not only our inherent freedom, but also all the ways that we keep ourselves small.

This talk was given at the April 2006 Meditating with the Body retreat held at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, CO.

Episode 251: The Impediments of Religion – Part I

In this talk on our natural spiritual inheritance, Reggie discusses the impediments presented by religious institutionalism, consumerism, and fundamentalism to the unfolding of each unique human life. In the modern world, authenticity is a lonely journey.

This talk was given at the April 2006 Meditating with the Body retreat held at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, CO.

Episode 250: The Practicality of Spirituality

In this talk, Reggie says that the tantric path does not separate spiritual practice from the ordinary circumstances of everyday life. Rather, tantric meditation invites us to see the sacredness within the earthiness, messiness, emotions, and chaos of our human incarnation.

This talk was given in 2009 at an evening gathering held at the Star House in the foothills outside of Boulder, CO.

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