Episode 36: Sacred World

In today’s episode, Reggie reflects on the sacredness of our human experience. When we relinquish our preconceptions and ideas about ourselves, he says, we glimpse how truly limitless our experience of life can be. This insight often awakens a longing in us to discover the full beauty and radiance of our world. “In the Vajrayana, there is no profane world — everything we experience is fundamentally an expression of sacredness, of wisdom. Spiritual traditions may tell us the world is degraded, but the soul knows the beauty and ultimate value of the world and our ordinary experience. There is something in us, intuitively, that cannot walk away from that sense of beauty and sacredness.”

These excerpts are taken from a talk given at a weekend program in Portland, OR in 2009 and from Mahamudra for the Modern World, a 37-hour intensive audio training course produced by Sounds True. Mahamudra for the Modern World is available for download here.

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