Bodhicitta Practice Gathering



“Bodhicitta” literally translated is “the awakened (bodhi) heart (citta)” and that means a heart that is open, naked, and 100% available to suffering beings. In bodhicitta practice, we connect with the full, unobstructed depth, feeling, and compassion of our hearts; and we extend this open heart of ours to all those pained, confused, and tormented by the realities of life – which includes all of us and, in fact, all sentient beings.

We warmly invite you to join us for Bodhicitta practice. The 45-minute program will open with a short practice followed by a period of chanting. The words to the chant will be posted on the Zoom screen, and there will be a lead chanter. Attendees are invited to chant along with their sound muted.

If there is anyone whose name(s) you would like to submit as a recipient of our practice, we invite you to submit the names beforehand to bodhicittahost@dharmaocean.org.

Attendance is free, for a dana offering to the teachers there is a way to make a one-time donation here.

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