Episode 234: Form Holds Freedom – Part II
This talk was given in 2016 at the November Meditating with the Body retreat held at Buckfast Abbey in Devon, England.
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This talk was given in 2016 at the November Meditating with the Body retreat held at Buckfast Abbey in Devon, England.
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This talk was given in 2016 at the November Meditating with the Body retreat held at Buckfast Abbey in Devon, England.
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In the second part of this talk on bodhicitta – Heart of Awakening, Reggie says that after his enlightenment, the Buddha heard the cries of suffering in the world and felt a welling of compassion that compelled him to help free sentient beings from samsara through teaching the dharma.
This excerpt is from a talk given in Awakening the Heart: A Somatic Training in Bodhicitta, an intensive audio course produced by Sounds True. It is available for download in the Dharma Ocean online store.
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In the first part of this talk on the experience of bodhicitta as related to trauma – Heart of Awakening, Reggie tells the story of how the Buddha’s experience unfolded on the night of his enlightenment, and describes his ultimate realization of Life in its totality.
This excerpt is from a talk given in Awakening the Heart: A Somatic Training in Bodhicitta, an intensive audio course produced by Sounds True. It is available for download in the Dharma Ocean online store.
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As a scholar of the history of religions, Reggie has a unique perspective on the way spirituality becomes codified by religious institutions. In this talk, A Living Lineage, he describes the historical development of orthodox structures in conventional Buddhism and discusses how the tradition is evolving as a living force in the modern world.
This talk is excerpted from Reggie’s online course, Awakening the Body: The Way of Somatic Meditation.
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Episode: Esoteric Tradition of the Body – Reggie comments on the tradition of Vajrayana meditation that he was trained in by his teacher, Chögyam Trungpa. He says that, even though the teachings of the practicing lineage are widely offered, few people choose to make the full tantric journey.
This talk is excerpted from Reggie’s online course, Awakening the Body: The Way of Somatic Meditation.
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In the second part of this talk on karma and the body, Reggie describes how the ego freezes the natural flow of experience in the body through physical tensing. This tension is stored in our cells as condensed karma.
This excerpt is taken from Meditating with the Body, a 5-month training program that included two residential retreats and a twelve unit at-home curriculum.
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In this talk, Karma and the Body, Reggie describes how traditional Buddhist teachings on karma relate to the process of liberation that unfolds in somatic meditation. The wisdom of the body, he says, leads us back to the natural state.
This excerpt is taken from Meditating with the Body, a 5-month training program that included two residential retreats and a twelve unit at-home curriculum.
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In this talk, Interconnection, Reggie reflects on the joyful experience of interconnection we feel when we practice tonglen in an embodied way. In resting with the space of the earth, compassion emerges, and our connection with others becomes apparent.
This talk was given at the 2007 Advanced Meditating with the Body retreat held in Crestone, CO.
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This talk was given at the 2006 Advanced Meditating with the Body retreat held in Crestone, CO.
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This talk was given at the 2006 Advanced Meditating with the Body retreat held in Crestone, CO.
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In the first part of this talk on the place of tradition and ritual in Vajrayana Buddhism, Reggie discusses how symbolism, liturgy, and community can serve to help connect us with mystery as modern practitioners.
This talk was given at the 2006 Advanced Meditating with the Body retreat held in Crestone, CO.
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conscious.tv, June 2015
Reggie discusses somatic meditation with Renate McNay of conscious.tv in London, UK.
Episode – Awakening Through Relationship Part III: In the third part of this series on consort relationship, Reggie says that the journey of awakening through relationship requires a commitment to receiving all aspects of our partner with love. In this way, the open way, liberation occurs through a relational journey of surrender and acceptance.
This talk was given in 2016 at a weekend program held at Naropa University in Boulder, CO. Reggie offers more teachings and practices on the consort journey in The Tantric Consort, a 4-part video course produced by Sounds True.
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In Awakening Through Relationship Part II, in the second part of the opening keynote from Reggie and Caroline’s weekend program on the journey of consort relationship, Reggie discusses the somatic experiennce of beholding one’s beloved from the empty open state of being that is free from concepts, agendas, and territoriality.
This talk was given in 2016 at a weekend program held at Naropa University in Boulder, CO. Reggie offers more teachings and practices on the consort journey in The Tantric Consort, a 4-part video course produced by Sounds True.
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In today’s episode,Awakening Through Relationship Part I, Reggie and Caroline are introduced to a public audience at Naropa University for a weekend program they taught together called Awakening Through Relationships: The Tantric Consort. Caroline opens the program with a talk on how consort relationship can serve as a path to realization.
This talk was given in 2016 at a weekend program held at Naropa University in Boulder, CO. Reggie offers more teachings and practices on the consort journey in The Tantric Consort, a 4-part video course produced by Sounds True.
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This talk was given at the September 2005 Meditating with the Body retreat held in Crestone, CO.
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In this talk, Growing Neurological Capacity, Reggie discusses the neurological capacity that develops through the somatic practice of pure awareness. He says that an important step in the practice involves setting aside preconceptions about the goal of meditation.
This excerpt is from a talk given in The Practice of Pure Awareness: Somatic Meditation for Touching Infinity, an audio course produced by Sounds True.
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This talk was given at the 2006 Advanced Meditating with the Body retreat held in Crestone, CO.
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In the second part of this talk on human freedom, Freedom for Life, Reggie describes how somatic meditation helps us “decode karma.” Unlike heaven oriented approaches to spirituality, the embodied journey involves releasing tension and opening to the totality of being.
This talk was given in 2010 at the Insight Meditation Center in New York City.
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In the first part of this talk on human freedom, Freedom for Life, Reggie describes the ways we become imprisoned in modern society. He says that when reality penetrates our numbness, longing is awakened for liberation. This longing leads us to the dharma.
This talk was given in 2010 at the Insight Meditation Center in New York City.
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This excerpt is taken from Reggie’s online course called The Somatic Practice of Pure Awareness: The Tantric Style of Embodied Meditation.
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This excerpt is taken from Reggie’s online course called The Somatic Practice of Pure Awareness: The Tantric Style of Embodied Meditation.
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In Somatic Descent, Reggie introduces the practice of Somatic Descent. He says that when we touch the primordial body, the soma, we receive information about the practicalities of our everyday life.
This excerpt is from a talk given in Somatic Descent: Experiencing the Ultimate Intelligence of the Body, an intensive training audio course produced by Sounds True.
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This talk was given in 2010 at a public program in San Francisco, CA.
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