Episode 151: Fire of Experience – Part I

In the first part of this talk on the transformative power of somatic meditation, Reggie discusses how the lineage of Chogyam Trungpa empowers us to develop a direct relationship with ultimate reality. He says that Buddhist lineages fail us when they manipulate our heartfelt longing for their material gain.

This talk was given at the 2011 Advanced Meditating with the Body retreat held at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, CO.

Episode 92: Way of the Bodhisattva

Way of the Bodhisattva: Today, Reggie discusses the deep and unalterable commitment we feel when our hearts open to suffering in the world. This commitment is formally expressed as the Bodhisattva Vow. It involves a path of training that connects us to the source of love over and over again.

This talk was given at the 2013 Winter Dathun retreat held in Crestone, CO.

Episode 91: Journey of the Heart

Journey of the Heart: This week we’ll listen to a talk Reggie gave on the different stages of the bodhicitta practice of awakening the heart. He explains how our direct somatic experience of the heart unfolds as an ever increasing capacity to meet others with “unconditional, non-judgmental, all-accepting, infinite, unbiased love.”

This talk was given at the 2013 Winter Dathun retreat held in Crestone, CO.

Episode 90: Awake Heart

In this talk, Awake Heart, Reggie discusses the two aspects of an awake heart: absolute bodhicitta and relative bodhicitta. Absolute bodhicitta is the limitless space of our hearts and relative bodhicitta refers to the warmth that arises from that space and is expressed as love.

This talk was given at the 2011 Winter Dathun retreat held in Crestone, CO.

Episode 88: Embodiment of Love

In this episode, Embodiment of Love, Reggie discusses sitting meditation in context of the Mahayana stage of the journey. He says that our attention naturally shifts from the space in the lower belly to the space in the heart center. As our hearts awaken, we become more empathetic and begin to see relationships with greater clarity.

This talk was given at the 2013 Winter Dathün retreat held in Crestone, CO.

Episode 87: Meeting Suffering with Compassion

In this talk, Meeting Suffering with Compassion, Reggie explains how the suffering we encounter in others serves as an invitation to grow beyond our trivial attempts at territoriality. Doing this requires a deep commitment to practice and a willingness to dismantle the blockages that distort our relationships with the world.

This talk was given at the 2011 Winter Dathün retreat held in Crestone, CO.

Episode 86: The Mahayana Journey

In this episode, The Mahayana Journey, we listen to excerpts from talks Reggie has given on the Mahayana stage of the meditative journey. He discusses how we awaken to the vast suffering of the world, and respond to the call in our hearts to meet this suffering with love.

These excerpts are taken from talks given at a variety of public retreats held in Crestone, CO.

Episode 85: Inspiration in Sadness

In this talk, Inspiration in Sadness, Reggie explores how human sadness points to a fundamental sense of disconnection from the totality. Sadness, he says, illuminates our longing to release the veils of ignorance and unite with the limitless space of being. It brings us to the cushion.

This talk was given at the 2005 Winter Dathun retreat held in Crestone, CO.

Episode 84: The Three Lords of Materialism

Chogyam Trungpa described The Three Lords of Materialism as the way ego apes spiritual practice as a means to fortify barriers against the world. In this talk, Reggie discusses how the Lord of Form, the Lord of Speech, and the Lord of Mind obstruct the journey of meditation.

This talk was given at the 2013 Winter Dathun retreat held in Crestone, CO.

Episode 83: The Joy of Chaos

Meditation is sometimes viewed as a means to control experience and keep emotions in check. In this talk, Reggie challenges that notion. He shows how meditation actually helps us surrender control, open to chaos, and relax into the messiness of life.

Episode: The Joy of Chaos

This talk was given at the 2013 Winter Dathun retreat held in Crestone, CO.

Episode 82: Renunciation

In this episode, Renunciation, Reggie looks at how the practice of sitting meditation is an expression of renunciation. He says that it helps us see all the ways we avoid reality. At first, the process of relinquishing our attachment to distractions leads to a sense of barren non-existence. But this nothingness is the gateway to the totality.

This talk was given at the 2013 Winter Dathun retreat held in Crestone, CO.

Episode 81: Just Sitting

Episode: Just Sitting

Shikantaza is the discipline of just sitting. In this talk, Reggie explains how the posture of Shikantaza helps us renounce our impulsivity so that we can open to the immediacy of the body. Through this discipline of “doing nothing,” the natural state of our being emerges, pure and unencumbered.

This talk was given at the 2013 Winter Dathun retreat held in Crestone, CO.

Episode 80: Being with Pain

Episode: Being with Pain

Reggie begins this talk by encouraging us to not run away from pain in meditation practice. He says that the experience of pain interrupts two main ego defaults in modern society: comfort and distraction. Pain wakes us up, corners our ego, and helps us deepen in our commitment to what is.

This talk was given at the 2013 Winter Dathun retreat held in Crestone, CO.

Episode 79: Discipline, Meditation, Understanding

Episode: Discipline, Meditation, Understanding

Shila, samadhi, and prajna translate as discipline, meditation, and understanding. In this talk, Reggie discusses how these three aspects are central to the practice of sitting meditation and how they help us commit to the gritty realities of our spiritual lives.

These excerpts are taken from talks given at the 2013 Winter Dathun retreat held in Crestone, CO.

Episode 78: Loss of Reference Points

In this episode, Loss of Reference Points, we listen to different teachings Reggie has given on the foundations of Hinayana practice. He says that the first step in discovering who we truly are involves letting go of our coherent sense of self and opening to uncertainty when reference points fall away.

These excerpts are taken from talks given at the 2005 Winter Dathun retreat held in Crestone, CO.

Episode 77: The Hinayana Stage of the Journey

Episode; The Hinayana Stage of the Journey

Today, we explore teachings Reggie has given on the Hinayana stage of the meditative journey. He discusses the importance of committing to a daily meditation practice, renouncing habitual patterns, and developing kindness toward oneself.

These excerpts are taken from talks given at the 2005 and 2010 Winter Dathun retreats held in Crestone, CO.

Episode 76: Vajra Body

“Vajra body” refers to the indestructible energetic body that is discovered when we explore our incarnation in a non-conceptual way. In today’s episode, Reggie discusses the dynamics of the Vajra body and how it lives independently of our hopes, fears, agendas, and identities.

This talk was given at the 2010 Winter Dathun – a month-long retreat retreat held a the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, CO.

Episode 75: Opening to the Totality

In this talk, Opening to the Totality, Reggie points to the fruition of embodied meditation – our minds become silent in face of the totality and the wildness of our inner being emerges free and unencumbered. Through this process, he says, we we change in unexpected ways because reality is not tidy, and life is not coherent.

This talk was given at the 2007 Meditating with the Body retreat held in Crestone, CO.

Dharma Ocean Podcast Episode 67: Stages of the Embodied Journey – Part II

In this episode Stages of the Embodied Journey – Part II, we listen to the second part of a talk Reggie gave on the stages of embodied meditation. Here he covers the Mahayana, Vajrayana, and Fifth Yana. He says that Mahayana practices of the heart awaken tenderness and love. Vajrayana practices meet our inspiration to become “a spontaneous expression of nature.” And, in the Fifth Yana, we let go of a spiritual path altogether.

This talk was given at the 2013 Winter Dathun retreat held at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, CO. To download more of Reggie’s teachings and to explore a variety of recorded talks and practices to assist you on your spiritual journey, please visit our store.

Episode 53: Integrity Trumps Strategy

When working with a spiritual teacher, a community must consider how to carry on the lineage once the teacher dies. In this talk, Reggie says that the authentic lineage of Chögyam Trungpa will only survive into future generations if “integrity trumps strategy” and the individual journey of each student is held as inviolable.

This talk was given at the 2011 Winter Dathün, a month-long retreat held at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, Colorado. To download more of Reggie’s teachings and to explore a variety of recorded talks and practices to assist you on your spiritual journey, please visit our store.

Episode 52: A Living Lineage

In this episode, Reggie discusses the continuation of Chögyam Trungpa’s lineage within Dharma Ocean. Instead of worshipping the lineage footsteps of the past, Reggie encourages us to make a relationship with the lineage as a living force that is communicating within us right now.

This talk was given at the 2011 Winter Dathün, a month-long retreat held at the Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, Colorado. 

Episode 51: The Lineage of Chögyam Trungpa

This is a talk Reggie offered on the life and teachings of his teacher, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. He discusses the Vajrayana foundations of Tibetan Buddhism, Trungpa’s early training as a Vajrayana master, and his unique expression of the dharma in the modern world.

This talk was given in 2011 as part of a class on the Sadhana of Mahamudra held in Boulder, CO. To download more of Reggie’s teachings and to explore a variety of recorded talks and practices to assist you on your spiritual journey, please visit our store.

Episode 50: Christmas Reflections

Today, we’ll listen to brief excerpts from an assortment of talks Reggie gave on the life and teachings of Jesus from a Buddhist perspective. He explains how Jesus was a contemplative prophet who exemplified non-theistic compassion through his rejection of religious materialism and embrace of the pain and suffering of this world. He says that Buddhists can learn important lessons from the story of Christ’s inner and outer journey: that true spiritual practice is not a way of escaping political society, but rather helps us develop the courage to speak honestly and straightforwardly to the confusion, injustice, and corruption of the samsaric world.

These excerpts are taken from a variety of Winter Dathun retreats. To download more of Reggie’s teachings and to explore a variety of recorded talks and practices to assist you on your spiritual journey, please visit our store.

Episode 49: Holy Darkness

Winter solstice is a time of journeying inward, into the depths and darkness of our being. This podcast features excerpts from two talks Reggie gave on the importance of opening to darkness in spiritual practice. In the first excerpt, he explains how the difficult, ugly, and unwanted aspects of our experience hold tremendous richness and life. The second excerpt is from a winter solstice talk on the meaning of darkness as a cosmic phenomenon in the cycle of death and rebirth. Darkness, he says, is essential to spiritual awakening, because it is only when we let go into absolute emptiness that the universe can give birth to new light and new life.

These excerpts are taken from talks given at the 2010 Winter Dathun and a 2009 Dharma Ocean Community Weekend. 

Episode 48: Meeting the Unknown

Today, Reggie discusses the narrow world of ego. We typically perceive the world beyond ego as shadows and darkness; however, when we enter the unknown depths of the body through the practice of meditation, we tap into the boundlessness of the universe. When we encounter this vast expanse, we can either take a risk and choose to open to it, or pretend that it does not exist, seeking a temporary sense of security in ignorance. Meditation shows us how to open with trust and gentleness and be with the full gamut of feelings that inevitably arise when we let go of our cherished versions of reality.

This talk was given at the 2007 Meditating with the Body retreat held in Crestone, Colorado. To download more of Reggie’s teachings and to explore a variety of recorded talks and practices to assist you on your spiritual journey, please visit our store.

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