There is an inborn call, in each of us, to discover what it means to become fully human.  Within the human being there lives a flame of life that never surrenders the possibility of wholeness and fulfillment. As spiritual aspirants, it is our joy to be able to devote ourselves to that astounding and life giving journey, fully, completely, and wholeheartedly.


Meditation is the simple yet profound practice of awakening to our most fundamental self. At this very moment, we have within us a fundamental state of being that is empty, open, and free. And yet, at present we cannot see it because it is covered over by all kinds of habitual tendencies and obscurations. Through the practice of meditation, we are gradually able to let go of these — burning away the extraneous and leaving exposed the brilliant, awakened state, which is what we really are. Opened by this process, we are able to engage our lives with tremendous clarity and warmth, so that we see and appreciate this sacred world and are able to love others in a way that is truly selfless. The process of meditation initially gives us back our lives and our deepest selves, and ultimately opens our hearts to the entire universe.

Here, we have collected information on somatic meditation and hours of guided practices and teaching sessions for beginning and experienced practitioners. 

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Over the span of his career, Dr. Reggie Ray has written and published a variety of texts on meditation and Buddhist topics.


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